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    Other Therapies

    main contact information
    contant name Tseu (Sue) Shaw
    mobile 0412 120 595
    servicing areas Maidstone, Melbourne, Western Suburbs

    Other therapies in Chinese Medicine include Remedial Massage (Tuina), Cupping, Gua Sha and Moxibustion. These therapies will be included in your treatment as and when required.

    Remedial Massage (Tuina)

    Tuina (Chinese Medicine Remedial Massage) is very effective in treating sore, tight and/or injured muscles and relieve pain. Lymphatic drainage massage is effective at stimulating lymph flow and reducing fluid retention.

    Cupping and Guasha

    Cupping is used to release tight muscles and relieve pain. Guasha is similar to cupping but with the use of a ceramic spoon, the skin is scraped until red marks appear, this releases muscle tension, and heat from the body. Despite the marks on the skin, cupping and guasha are generally painless procedures if you do experience discomfort please let your practitioner know. These therapies may relieve the symptoms of colds and flu, muscular aches and pain, and stimulate Qi and Blood flow into the area.


    Moxibustion uses the heat of a herbal stick to add warmth back into the body, stimulate energy levels, to relieve pain and improve circulation of Qi and Blood. At Maidstone Chinese Medicine we also use the modern equivalent of a heat lamp which is more convenient and covers a wider area of the body.

    For more information or to make an appointment please call 0412 120 595 or send us an email

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