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    main contact information
    contant name Tseu (Sue) Shaw
    mobile 0412 120 595
    servicing areas Maidstone, Melbourne, Western Suburbs

    Chinese Herbal Medicine and Chinese Dietary Therapy

    Chinese Herbal Medicine

    The Chinese Medicine material medica is vast with thousands of different types of herbs. In our clinic we mostly use plant based herbs with a small number of non-endangered animal products. If you do not want any animal products in your prescription please let your practitioner know and a substitute plant herb will be used instead.

    Herbal medicine at our clinic is administered in liquid, granules and/or pill form. The herbs are convenient and easier to take compared to raw herbs where extensive cooking is required. Another benefit is that the manufacturers of these herbal products have conducted stringent testing on these herbs to ensure that strict quality standards are met and pesticide levels are minimised.

    Herbal medicine may also be applied externally for skin conditions, if required your practitioner will instruct you on how to use and apply the herbs for maximum effect.

    Dietary Therapy and Exercise

    Diet and exercise are two very important components of Chinese Medicine, this is because these two lifestyle factors help prevent illness and disease – and prevention is better than cure! Therefore in your treatment plan there will be a diet and lifestyle advice component and we’ll work together to help you achieve your goals.

    For more information about the best services for your needs or to organise an appointment – just give Tseu a call!

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