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    Womens Health and Fertility

    main contact information
    contant name Tseu (Sue) Shaw
    mobile 0412 120 595
    servicing areas Maidstone, Melbourne, Western Suburbs

    Women’s Health, IVF/Fertility support, Pregnancy support, Postnatal support

    Natural Fertility

    Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine has traditionally been used to improve fertility in China and parts of East Asia for thousands of years. This method of fertility support is also increasingly popular in the West, in particular when used in conjunction with IVF or other assisted reproductive treatments. Some scientific studies have showed that Acupuncture may be effective at supporting patients going through IVF, however, at present we do not yet have sufficient scientific evidence to prove that acupuncture and/or Chinese herbal medicine alone can treat infertility, therefore please consult with your health professional to see if Acupuncture and/or Chinese Herbal Medicine may be suitable for you.treatment to address.

    Preconception Care

    Preconception care should ideally be undertaken three months before you start trying for a baby. This process prepares both you and your partner for the process of conception and improves the likelihood of having a healthy baby. Lifestyle changes that you can do yourself may include stopping the consumption of alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs along with excessive caffeine use.

    Our preconception care programs includes an initial detailed consultation, taking into account your menstrual and reproductive history, blood tests, ultrasounds and other test results, along with questions about you and your partner’s general health. A course of treatment may include a series of either twice weekly, weekly or fortnightly acupuncture and herbal treatments to address any underlying issues. For people having problems conceiving a treatment period of 3-6 months is recommended. During your treatment, progress will be monitored by charting your menstrual cycle and other laboratory tests and indicators.

    IVF Support

    Some studies have shown that using Acupuncture to support your IVF treatment may improve your rates of success. Our IVF support program includes a course of acupuncture treatments given prior to embryo transfer to prepare your body for the procedure. We suggest commencing the preparation 1-3 months ahead of starting the IVF treatments.

    Pre and post embryo transfer treatments should be given on the day of the embryo transfer if possible. After the embryo transfer weekly treatments may be given to help you relax as you wait for the pregnancy test results.

    Pregnancy Support

    Pregnancy is an exciting period in your life but it also places a lot of demands on your body and mind. Acupuncture may be used to support the pregnant woman to alleviate some pregnancy symptoms like stress, aches and pains, nausea and support labour preparation.

    Postnatal Support

    In China and other parts of East Asia a woman enjoys one month of rest and care after giving birth. That is because the Chinese recognise that the post birth period is vital to ensure complete recovery from the birthing process and the future health of mother and baby. Chinese herbs are used in this period to replenish lost blood and energy, to promote healing and good milk supply. Acupuncture may also be used if required.

    Women’s Health

    Menstrual irregularities, painful periods, PMT symptoms and menopausal symptoms may benefit from Acupuncture and/or Chinese Herbal Medicine. The menstrual cycle is a key part of female health and well being, and Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have traditionally been used to help regulate and balance the menstrual cycle. Treatments will be customised to treat each phase of your menstrual cycle and you’ll be guided on understanding what should happen in each phase and what signs to look for to determine if things are normal or not.

    For more information or to make an appointment please call 0412 120 595 or send us an email.

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